Bioitalia supply chain

In building our supply chain, we aim to support production practices that not only elevate the quality of our foods, but also foster and empower local businesses, valuing the traditions of the region, sustainability, and biodiversity. Through the Authentico Blockchain platform, our supply chains are digitally certified, offering everyone the opportunity to access and authenticate information about each individual product, thereby ensuring complete transparency.

La filiera della pasta

The Pasta Supply Chain

La filiera del pomodoro

The Tomato Supply Chain

La filiera dell'olio

The Oil Supply Chain

La filière Pesto de Basilic

The Basil Pesto Supply Chain

BLOCKCHAIN traceability, how does it work?

By scanning the QR codes and selecting the lot number found on the packaging of the purchased product, you can trace the journey of the product from the field to your table: from the origin of the raw materials to the different stages of processing, all the way to packaging. With blockchain technology, the data and documents logged during each transformation phase remain unchangeable and open to all. This ensures that the information regarding the product is consistently accurate and reliable.