Can we indulge a little?

Can we indulge a little?

Indulging: it's a taboo for those following a weight loss program or for those who are particularly mindful of their physical shape; it's a real exception for those who typically lead a healthy lifestyle.

On the contrary, for some (alas, perhaps for too many!), "indulging" becomes the daily norm.

From my point of view, as a careful supporter of the Mediterranean diet and aware of the extensive benefits it brings to health, I believe that it is essential to satisfy the needs of our bodies by learning to choose the healthiest foods and to distribute them correctly throughout the day and week. By varying and alternately choosing at the table, it is possible to ensure a balanced diet that allows for the regular intake of all the necessary nutrients for one's well-being.

Of course, everyone may find themselves attending a party or dinner where, as we know, all the rules are thrown out the window. If it remains an occasional event, I would even say that "giving in" to the temptation to eat that dessert or indulge in fried food or a dish much more seasoned than usual becomes healthy (especially from a psychological point of view!).

No worries! Our bodies are also prepared for this, without damaging metabolic balances. The important thing is to have a clear idea of the diet to return to.

After indulging, it becomes necessary to return to a healthy routine, to a state of balance that involves:

consuming plant-based foods daily (such as legumes, fruits, vegetables), whole grains, extra virgin olive oil (in moderation)

significantly reducing sugars (the more we can save, the better!)

preferring fish and reducing meats (especially processed ones)

avoiding unhealthy fats

preferring healthier cooking methods (baking, steaming) and homemade preparations

Straying from the rules should remain occasional, so it's good to keep in mind which foods to eliminate or consume only occasionally:

butter, lard, margarine, vegetable oils of unknown origin, mayonnaise, potato chips, salty snacks

fatty meats (all processed meats, hot dogs, packaged hamburgers)

sugar, sweet snacks, sugary jams, candies; in general, sweets should be consumed as little as possible, at any age

sugary fruit juices, carbonated beverages, sweetened drinks

Making critical purchases, learning to read labels, paying attention to the ingredient list becomes of fundamental importance for our health.

In this way, by learning to choose high-quality products, even indulging can become less harmful, without sacrificing taste.

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