Ahead of the holidays, let's prepare ourselves at our best!
Who among you has never decided to lose some weight after a period of excess or, conversely, committed to being more mindful of their diet before a festive period?
Probably everyone.
Restricting oneself, improving food choices, reducing calorie intake, and "cleaning up" the diet is a good way to achieve a small weight loss. But often we make wrong choices, resulting in poor outcomes.
We are 15 days away from the holiday season, let's make the most of them! By following a few rules and abandoning some common misconceptions, we can easily reach our small goal.
Avoid SIMPLE SUGARS in all forms, visible and hidden:
Eliminate sugar from coffee, herbal teas, and tea; this applies to both refined (white) sugar and cane and whole sugars.
Croissants, pastries, sweet snacks, and poor-quality industrial sweets should always be avoided, especially in these cases.
Say no to carbonated drinks, aperitifs, and hard liquor; if you want to achieve effective calorie restriction, you should also give up wine and beer, at least during this period.
No to fruit juices, yes to fruit and freshly squeezed juices (strictly without sugar); also, pay attention to quantities! 2-3 portions of fruit per day are sufficient; you should not overdo it, especially with bananas, dates, and grapes.
If you can't completely give up sweets, you can treat yourself to dark chocolate (at least 75%) and homemade sweets with reduced sugar (preferably whole); fruit-based cakes (apple pie) or yogurt (plum cake), tarts made with organic natural jams (with only fruit sugars) are preferred.
Reduce the quantity and weekly frequency of REFINED CARBOHYDRATES:
White bread, pasta, potatoes, crackers, and baked goods.
Alternatively, consume whole products that provide optimal fiber quantities and give a sense of satiety.
Don't forget to include vegetables in your lunch and dinner; vegetable soups (better without potatoes) are an excellent hot dish to be consumed daily.
Don't skip meals:
If you're not hungry right after waking up, have breakfast mid-morning.
Dedicate at least 30 minutes to lunch.
Have a snack in the afternoon, so you won't arrive too hungry for dinner.
A common mistake in DIY diets is to eliminate or reduce EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. Nothing could be more wrong!
Extra virgin olive oil, especially organic, is always the best choice due to its excellent nutritional characteristics. Not only does it provide essential nutrients for the diet, but it also has a positive impact on health. The daily amount is 3-4 tablespoons, to be used as a dressing, raw or cooked.
Animal fats should be drastically reduced, both in quantity and frequency (fatty meats, cold cuts, cheeses).
Fish is always preferable due to its beneficial omega-3 content.
Reduce sedentary behavior and commit to being less lazy and more active!
Wishing you serenity and good health.
Happy holidays!