Cheesecake scomposta in bicchiere

Cheesecake scomposta in bicchiere

Preparation 15 min
Difficulty Easy
Servings 8


Crumble the biscuits and add the softened butter and the sugar. Stir until the butter soaks the biscuits. Keep the mixture refrigerated. Meanwhile, mix the cheese with the sugar until the mixture becomes frothy. Add the whipped cream, the grated lemon zest and refrigerate the mixture. Prepare the dessert cups alternating crumb layers with cream cheese, and jam.


  • Dry biscuits 250 gr (2 and 1/4 cups)
  • Mixed berries or strawberry jam 1/2 jar
  • Butter 120 gr (1/2 cup)

For the cheese cream

  • Greek yogurt 600 gr (2 and 1/2 cups)
  • Heavy cream 150 ml (1/2 cup)
  • Honey 50 gr (1/4 cup)
  • 1 grated lemon zest
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