Pasta, cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet

Pasta, cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet

Durum wheat pasta is the result of careful selection of the best Italian organic semolina from certified supply chains. Produced in various formats: classic durum wheat, bronze-drawn, whole grain drawn.

All maintain perfect cooking, are to be tasted both with ready-made sauces, and for the preparation of all dishes of the Mediterranean tradition.

Organic bronze-drawn pasta is produced with both white and wholemeal semolina. The use of bronze dies, slow and low-temperature drying, give this type of pasta that rough surface, essential for a homogeneous attachment of the condiment, and that typical taste of artisanal pasta from the past.

Pasta is one of the cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet, it is an excellent source of energy and gives a feeling of satiety. In combination with legumes, it becomes a perfectly healthy and balanced dish even from a protein point of view. As a source of carbohydrates, it is always preferable to bread.

Symbol of our tradition, it can be the basis of daily nutrition, albeit in the right quantities and with suitable condiments (extra virgin olive oil, first and foremost); all the more so, in the diet of the athlete, it becomes an indispensable source of energy.

And wholemeal pasta?

Whole semolina comes from the processing of the whole grain of wheat: the cereal is processed in such a way as to obtain semolina without using the refining process. In this way, the wheat grain is ground entirely, and all its parts (germ, bran, endosperm) and the relative beneficial properties of precious nutrients present are preserved.

Wholemeal pasta is rich in dietary fiber (8 g per 100 g of product), useful for intestinal regularity. Moreover, the beta-glucans present in it are very useful for the immune system and also give a greater sense of satiety. Wholemeal pasta has a lower glycemic index and is therefore also ideal for those following a hypocaloric diet aimed at weight loss and for diabetics.

It is rich in B-group vitamins, which improve the efficiency of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Wholemeal pasta is an excellent substitute for classic durum wheat pasta, versatile and healthy, it can be cooked in many ways without losing its taste and flavor.

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