Legume Pasta: Many Properties and Recipes

Legume Pasta: Many Properties and Recipes

Legume pasta is not only for celiacs but also for those seeking pasta with high nutritional value. It is particularly rich in fiber and has a high protein content.

A portion of 80g of fusilli or penne provides about 280-290 kcal, with an excellent protein intake (15-20 g). The dish becomes unique and complete if the pasta is dressed with a vegetable, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 2-3 walnuts or 7-8 almonds, and herbs to taste.

Such a composed dish provides about 500 kcal and 12 g of fiber, is gluten-free, has a low glycemic index, and is cholesterol-free.

Legume pasta is suitable for any dietary regime, both in the case of a low-fat diet and in the diabetic diet.

It can be substituted for cereal pasta due to its lower glycemic index, while in weight loss and obesity prevention diets, it can play a fundamental role due to its high fiber content and satiating power. It may have beneficial effects on bowel regularity.

This pasta is strongly recommended in vegetarian and vegan dietary regimes. Given its nutritional richness and the quality of the proteins it contains (medium biological value), it helps complete the pool of essential amino acids in the context of a healthy and varied diet.

Portion for one person > 500 kcal

It can become a takeaway meal for those who have lunch out.

Just add a choice of seasonal fruit or a smoothie, and lunch is complete!

Click here for all recipes

Dr. Concetta Mauriello, Nutritionist

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