The Frequencies of the Mediterranean Diet
Or: how to translate the food pyramid into numbers.
What was normal for our grandparents is now almost a chimera. Reclaiming good habits is certainly an advantage for one's psychophysical well-being and health.
How many of us actually follow the Mediterranean diet? What was normal for our grandparents is now almost a chimera. Reclaiming good habits is certainly an advantage for one's psychophysical well-being and health.
Let's see if and how it is possible to implement a "typical week" of the MEDITERRANEAN DIET. Let's focus on the frequencies - daily, weekly, occasional - of each food group.
Let's start with the good habits that should be part of our daily routine:
Drink enough WATER
-> at least 1 liter and a half; in summer and if you exercise, exceed 2 liters
-> herbal teas, unsweetened infusions can be helpful
VEGETABLES > 2 or more servings per day at main meals, but also as a snack between meals (fennel, cucumbers, radishes)
-> cooked or raw, the important thing is that they are seasonal
-> you can associate them with first courses or as a side dish
-> if you can't eat them for lunch, double the portion at dinner
FRUIT > 2-3 servings per day consumed at meals or snacks, as desired
-> better if fresh and especially in season
-> alternatively, drink freshly squeezed juices and smoothies
-> get into the mindset that even minimal physical activity is better than nothing
-> walk whenever you can, avoid the elevator, stay active*
CEREALS | pasta, rice, bread, barley, spelt, and derivatives | > 2-4 servings per day (*) better if consumed whole (unless contraindicated)
-> example of servings in a day:
3-4 slices of whole grain toast for breakfast
1 plate of whole grain pasta or rice with vegetables for lunch
1 packet of whole grain crackers for a snack
1 slice of rye bread for dinner
EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL > 2-5 tablespoons per day (*) 1 tablespoon = 10 ml
-> can be consumed cooked or raw, preferably organic
-> quantify with a tablespoon
NUTS, SEEDS > 1-2 servings per day (*)
-> as snacks or with meals, in salads or soups
-> to be used to reduce daily salt intake
Let's continue with the foods and food groups that may be less frequently present on our table:
MILK AND YOGURT > 0-2 servings per day
-> better if low in fat (partially skimmed)
-> in case of lactose intolerance, use substitutes (see plant-based beverages article)
DAIRY PRODUCTS AND CHEESES > 1-2 servings per week
-> better if fresh, natural, not industrial
EGGS > 2-4 servings per week
-> eaten boiled or fried in a little oil or as omelets with vegetables
-> avoid consuming them fried
-> better if organic, from controlled supply chains
LEGUMES | beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, fava beans | > 2-4 servings per week
-> combined with vegetables or cereals
-> consume shelled or pureed in case of abdominal bloating
-> for those following a vegetarian diet, consumption can be increased to 3-6 servings per week
FISH, SHELLFISH, MOLLUSKS > 2-4 servings per week
-> better if blue, fresh
-> if you cannot consume it fresh, frozen is also fine; avoid breaded packaged products
WHITE > 1-2 servings per week
RED > 0-1 servings per week
CURED MEATS AND PRESERVED MEATS > maximum 0-1 servings per week
And let's conclude with the group of foods/habits that should only be allowed on special occasions.
-> better if homemade with organic, whole grain flours
-> avoid industrial sweets, snacks, foods high in sugars
-> 1 glass of red wine per meal is allowed (in healthy subjects), if desired
-> however, alcohol should be avoided and occasional consumption should not be encouraged at any age
(*) the quantities and servings to be consumed depend on gender, age, physiological or pathological conditions, level of physical activity.
D.ssa Concetta Mauriello