Whole Wheat Freselle with beans, fresh onion, basil pesto sauce, and tuna fish

Whole Wheat Freselle with beans, fresh onion, basil pesto sauce, and tuna fish

In: Seconds
Preparation 10 min
Difficulty Easy
Servings 2


Mix the drained tuna fish, the Butter beans and the finely cut onion in a bowl. Salt it. Wet the freselle with water until they get the required consistency, season them with the bean and tuna salad, and then pour on it a few drops of basil pesto. 


Whole wheat freselle 4 (a typical kind of twice-oven-baked bread)
Boiled butter beans 1 jar
Tuna fish in oil, previously drained 160 gr (2/3 cup)
Red onion, finely cut 30 gr (2 tbsp)
Basil pesto sauce 30 gr (2 tbsp) 
Salt to taste 

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